Lead Poisoning Prevention

The Clinton County Health Department (CCHD) shares with ODH the goal of eliminating childhood lead poisoning. Although lead poisoning is often thought of as a problem of the past, more than 2700 children were lead poisoned in the state of Ohio in 2007.

Frequently Asked Questions about lead

What is lead poisoning?

Lead poisoning is an elevation of the lead in the body. The Centers for Disease Control has defined an Elevated Blood Lead Level (EBL) as a level greater than 5 ug/dl.  It can cause permanent damage to the brain and nervous system, behavior and learning problems, slowed growth, and hearing problems.  Levels of lead below 10 ug/dL have been linked to a decrease in IQ.  At high levels, lead can cause seizures, coma, and death.

Where is lead found?

Most childhood lead exposure happens in housing.  Housing built before 1978 may contain lead paint.  The older the home the more likely it is to have lead paint.  Lead paint becomes hazardous when it chips, flakes, peels, or chalks.  Lead can also be found in soil near driveways, streets and surrounding structures such as garages and fences containing lead-based paint.  A small amount of lead is found in water.

How does the lead get inside children’s bodies?

Most exposure to lead happens by normal hand to mouth activity and the placing of objects containing lead dust into the mouth. A small number of children may eat lead-based paint chips. Some lead dust may be inhaled if children are present when lead-based paint is disturbed.

For more information visit ODH website by clicking here.

To schedule a safety car seat appointment, Diabetes Wellness class or a CPR class appointment go to https://cchdscheduler.timetap.com/#/.

For safety car seat appointments fill out the application and watch the video http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/service/c/ccic/injury-prevention/car-safety for your appointment.

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