BCMH is a tax-supported program of the Ohio Department of Health that helps children with special health care needs and their families. The program assists families in obtaining services to diagnose a potential handicapping condition (The Diagnostic Program) and assists with ongoing services for children with an eligible medical handicap (The Treatment Program).
Public Health Nursing Services including home visits, service coordination, health assessment and education, developmental screening, advocacy and referral to appropriate health care providers
Nutrition Services such as medical nutrition therapy including assessment, nutrition counseling, special formula assistance, follow-up and monitoring, and referrals to appropriate services
For assistance in Clinton County, call the BCMH nurses at the Clinton County Health Department (937- 382-7221 opt. 3)
BCMH requires that third party resources such as Medicaid or health insurance pay first. The bureau supplements insurance when families have inadequate coverage, such as exclusions for pre-existing conditions or large deductibles.
For both the diagnostic and treatment programs, children must be under the age of 21, live in Ohio, be a permanent U.S. resident, and be under the care of a BCMH-approved physician. The Diagnostic Program assists families in obtaining an evaluation of a potentially handicapping condition regardless of the family’s income. The Treatment Program is for children who have been diagnosed as having an eligible medically handicapping condition. Families must meet financial eligibility guidelines.
Some examples of eligible conditions are:
Office visits to physicians
Families or agencies may apply to BCMH by contacting a public health nurse at their local health department, the child’s physician or the BCMH office at the Ohio Department of Health. Parents may call toll free to 1-800 755-GROW (4769). Click here for more information from the Ohio Department of Health.
To schedule a safety car seat appointment, Diabetes Wellness class or a CPR class appointment go to https://cchdscheduler.timetap.com/#/.
For safety car seat appointments fill out the application and watch the video http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/service/c/ccic/injury-prevention/car-safety for your appointment.
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