Mission: “Through collaboration provide quality support services for the well-being of children and families”
1025 S. South Street Suite 400
Wilmington, OH 45177
Phone: 937-382-5726 x 1522
Fax: 937-383-2400
Email: clintonctyfcfc@yahoo.com
Maggie Henry, Coordinator
Every county in Ohio has a Family and Children First Council. Each council includes public and private agencies, as well as parents. Council members work collaboratively to enhance the well-being of their county’s children and families by building community capacity, coordinating systems and services, and engaging families.
Read more about the function of a Family and Children First Council.
The Child Intervention Team was created to provide service coordination and planning for families with children in crisis needing services from more than one county agency. The CIT coordinator facilitates collaboration among the county’s agencies and organizations and aims to bring services to families and children in a way that is simple and organized. CIT encourages early intervention in an effort to prevent children from out of home placements or from entering the juvenile justice system. The goal is to support children in the least restrictive environment. At all times the best interest of children and families is the fundamental concern.
Service Coordination Mechanism
Early Intervention Services is a statewide system that provides coordinated services to parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays in Ohio. Services are provided buy the Clinton County Board of Developmental Disabilities. For more information or to make a referral, contact the Early Intervention team at 937-382-7519. To learn more about Early Intervention, visit What is Early Intervention? | Ohio Early Intervention.
Additional Resources
Help Me Grow is Ohio’s evidence-based parent support program that encourages early prenatal and well-baby care, as well as parenting education to promote the comprehensive health and development of children. Making a referral to Help Me Grow is the first and easy step for anyone who has questions or concerns about their infant or child. One referral to Help Me Grow opens the door to many programs that support families including Early Intervention, Home Visiting and Moms and Babies First. A referral can be made by calling 1-800-755-GROW or by completing an online referral form. Help Me Grow Referral . Visit Help Me Grow | Ohio Department of Health for more information.
Help Me Grow Home Visiting Services are provided by Fayette County Public Health. For more information or to make a referral, contact the Home Visiting Team at 740-335-5111.
The Clinton County, Ohio Family and Children First Council is comprised of family representatives and public and private organizations serving children and families.
View Current FCFC Members Here FCFC-Representatives
The following resource card was developed by by the Clinton County Family And Children Fist Council and includes contact information for local agencies and resources that assist children and families in Clinton County.
Additional Resource Guides:
Clinton County Family Resources
Individuals eligible for, receiving services from or benefiting from programs funded by or through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) are protected by various laws, regulations, rules, and policies against unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, political affiliation (food stamps only), age, sex, citizenship/ participant status (WIOA Programs only) and national origin. If you believe that you have been denied or delayed services for which you are eligible because of your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, political affiliation (food stamps only), disability or age, you must file your complaint within six months of the date on which the incident or treatment happened. You may call the Bureau of Civil Rights to submit your complaint, or you may submit your complaint in writing. If the complaint is submitted by telephone you can call (614) 644-2703 or Toll Free 1-866-227-6353.