Child Protection Unit

The Clinton County, Ohio Child Protective Unit works with families to improve on areas of concern. The family may voluntarily wish to work with the agency or they may have been ordered by the court to cooperate with the agency.

The focus of the Protective Unit is to provide services that will ensure the safety of the child and assist the family in remaining together within their own home.  If a child is unable to safely remain in the home, then the agency will provide services that will assist in reunification with the family.

Some of the services that the caseworkers often provide assistance with or referrals for are:

  • Parenting Classes/In Home Instruction
  • Mental Health Counseling
  • Drug and Alcohol Counseling
  • Educational Services
  • Housing
  • Home Visits
  • Medical Care
  • Budgeting Assistance
  • Crisis Services
  • Employment Services
  • Domestic Violence
  • Case Management
  • Psychiatric Services
  • Transportation Assistance

Protective caseworkers create plans with the family that develop goals and action steps for the family to take to improve on any needed areas that may affect their parenting ability.  The caseworkers monitor the progress of the plans and make changes as needed until the plan has been completed.When the court orders a child be removed from the home, the Protective Unit selects the least restrictive placement for the child.

The agency bases the selection of placement on things such as keeping the child with family, meeting the special needs of the child, keeping sibling groups together, maintaining the same school district and keeping the child close to the removal family.  The Protective Unit caseworker also monitors the child’s adjustment to the foster home or out of home placement.

Clinton County Job and Family Services- Child Protection Unit Memorandum of Understanding to Address Child Abuse and Neglect

Child Protection Unit MOU

Individuals eligible for, receiving services from or benefiting from programs funded by or through the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) are protected by various laws, regulations, rules, and policies against unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, political affiliation (food stamps only), age, sex, citizenship/ participant status (WIOA Programs only) and national origin. If you believe that you have been denied or delayed services for which you are eligible because of your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, political affiliation (food stamps only), disability or age, you must file your complaint within six months of the date on which the incident or treatment happened. You may call the Bureau of Civil Rights to submit your complaint, or you may submit your complaint in writing. If the complaint is submitted by telephone you can call (614) 644-2703 or Toll Free 1-866-227-6353.

General Information
Child Protection Unit
Child Support Enforcement Agency
OhioMeansJobs: Clinton County’s Employment and Training Center
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
1025 S. South Street

Monday - Friday
7:30am - 4:30pm