Solid Waste and Recycling

The primary responsibility of the Clinton County Solid Waste Management District is to prepare, ratify, and implement a solid waste plan that ensures residents have access to adequate solid waste disposal capacity and complies with the goals established in the state solid waste management plan.  

Special Collection Events:

Pre-register by selecting the desired event below:

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How Do I Get Rid of That? 

Have you ever found yourself with a useless item that you don’t know how to get rid of?  Such items may include electronics, waste oil, tires, appliances, household hazardous wastes, and other such materials.  Recycling Resources is a comprehensive listing of local and regional disposal options for nearly any type of material you need to properly dispose of and/or recycle.  

2024 Business Recycling Surveys

Attention Clinton County Businesses!!! Please take a minute and complete our brief recycling survey. CCSWMD is conducting this survey to identify the type and amount of recyclables generated within Clinton County during 2024. The CCSWMD will use this information for summary purposes only; no company’s survey responses will be reported individually.

Your response to this survey will help measure Clinton County’s progress toward state-mandated recycling goals and provide programs that meet local needs. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! 

If you have any questions about if your business should complete the COMMERCIAL or the INDUSTRIAL survey, please contact our contact our offices


                  Start Commercial Survey
                  Start Industrial Survey

Looking for a garbage collection service in the Clinton County area?

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Solid Waste Quick Links
General Information
Phone Numbers
(937) 382-6177
Fax: 937-382-5678
Emergencies: Dial 911
Clinton County Administrative Campus
1850 Davids Drive, Suite 109

Monday – Friday
7:30 AM to 4:00 PM