The Solid Waste Management District has numerous resources available to local businesses:
2024 Business Recycling Surveys
Attention Clinton County Businesses!!! Please take a minute and complete our survey. CCSWMD is conducting this survey to identify the type and amount of recyclables generated within Clinton County during 2024. The CCSWMD will use this information for summary purposes only; no company’s survey responses will be reported individually.
Your response to this survey will help measure Clinton County’s progress toward state-mandated recycling goals and provide programs that meet local needs. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions about if your business should complete the COMMERCIAL or the INDUSTRIAL survey, please contact our contact our offices.
Start Commercial Survey
Start Industrial Survey
Free Waste Assessments
Clinton County Solid Waste Management District staff will thoroughly evaluate your current operations and subsequent waste generations at no cost.
Data from this evaluation will be analyzed and a report will be compiled for you detailing where your business can benefit from different waste management strategies. All recommendations are just that--recommendations. Nothing is mandated from this assessment, it is purely optional on your part as a business owner.
Its a win-win-win!
Cost Benefits: Business owners are often surprised when they learn that they can SAVE MONEY by recycling various waste streams.
Environmental Benefits: Waste reductions and better recycling practices LESSEN your company's ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT.
Health and Safety Benefits: May lead to better regulatory COMPLIANCE and enhanced SAFETY for your clients and staff.
Had a waste assessment done and would like to implement some of the cost-saving/waste-reducing strategies, but you need financial assistance to begin implementation? We understand and we can help!
The Go-Green Grant is tailored for Clinton County commercial entities just like you.
Litter Clean-up Kits Available to Local Businesses
Do you love your community? Want to show it? Conducting a clean-up of a local park, school campus, or bike trail is a great way to show your community pride. The Clinton County Solid Waste Management District would like to help. The SWMD has free litter cleanup kits available to groups interested in helping to remove litter and other debris from public grounds in communities around Clinton County. Each kit consists of bags, gloves, safety vests, and pick-up tools. For more information or to register your group and receive a litter cleanup kit click below or call (937) 382-6177.
Volunteers are needed--sign-up here or call (937) 382-6711 to talk to SWMD staff.
Litter prevention is a big concern not only in Clinton County but also throughout the State of Ohio. Litter has negative effects on the environment, wildlife, and community morale. Moreover, is often a drain on public resources. If you suspect someone of littering or illegally dumping materials, please note the vehicle description and license plate number and immediately contact local law enforcement.
Is your business located within the City of Wilmington? Want convenient curbside recycling?
The City of Wilmington’s Commercial Curbside Recycling Program is designed to make recycling more convenient for all Wilmington businesses and multi-family dwellings. To request a recycling container, please contact the Wilmington Sanitation Department at 937-382-6474, or you can pick one up at 397 South Nelson Avenue Monday through Friday from 7am-3pm.
Does your business have materials it would like to unload, or are you looking for materials that other businesses may have?
The Ohio Materials Marketplace is a FREE online platform allowing businesses and organizations to connect and find reuse and recycling solutions for waste and by-product materials.
Request a Bottle-Bin to recycle beverage bottles
Have a special event planned? Does your breakroom trash have a lot of plastic pop bottles? Request to loan a Bottle Bin receptacle.
Simply empty the bin when it is full in any of the CCSWMD drop-off sites. It's an easy, no-brainer to see an immediate reduction in the waste your business generates.