Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning 

Clinton County Solid Waste Management District would like nothing more than to visit each and every classroom and share our programs with students in person. Unfortunately, that is just not possible in all districts at the moment, so in the meantime, we have put together some resources for remote learners to take advantage of. Each program is grade-appropriate and uses the lessons of recycling to reinforce environmental stewardship as well as other appropriate Ohio Learning Standards. 

Educators, PLEASE do not forget to reach out to SWMD staff and let us know how many students you will be sharing our programs with so that we can provide FREE RECYCLED CONTENT GIFTS for all students and you, too! These gifts provide a tangible link to the efforts that the students make to recycle properly and to be responsible global citizens. 

1st grade: Papermaking 

Educational Video 

Other ways to make recycled paper at home 

Craft ideas for your homemade paper

Solid Waste Quick Links
General Information
Phone Numbers
(937) 382-6177
Fax: 937-382-5678
Emergencies: Dial 911
Clinton County Administrative Campus
1850 Davids Drive, Suite 109

Monday – Friday
7:30 AM to 4:00 PM