Is it recyclable?

Drop-off Recycling: What IS and is NOT accepted--and what goes where

  • In Green Containers:

  • It's simple--if it is not SPECIFICALLY listed or pictured, we CANNOT recycle it in our drop-off program. All other materials are considered contamination and negatively affect your recycling efforts.

Please empty bagged items.

Green Container Recycling Drop-off Locations

In BLUE containers (currently only available at Wilmington West location):

Packaging material is not recyclable like the cardboard that it comes in. The presence of packaging material in these containers can lead to the otherwise good, recyclable cardboard not getting recycled. 

Please help keep the program in the community by removing your packing material from your cardboard before recycling. 

Solid Waste Quick Links
General Information
Phone Numbers
(937) 382-6177
Fax: 937-382-5678
Emergencies: Dial 911
Clinton County Administrative Campus
1850 Davids Drive, Suite 109

Monday – Friday
7:30 AM to 4:00 PM