Commissioners News

25-209 FISCHER TRUST REQUESTS- Press Release 02.24.25.pdf

Clinton County Electric Aggregation Information updated information 12.3.24.pdf

Clinton County Electric Aggregation Information.pdf


 25-209 FISCHER TRUST REQUESTS- Press Release 02.24.25.pdf 

Clinton County Commissioners Engage Spectrum for County-Wide Fiber Build

Wilmington, Ohio. Clinton County Commissioners have allocated $7.6 million with over $6.5 million from the federal American Rescue Plan Act funds tow…

Broadband Report - Clinton County

BroadbandReport ClintonCounty

County Commissioners publish statement on Solar

The Clinton County Board of Commissioners in session today stated their objections to the plans of Invenergy to build large solar arrays in the south…

Vaccination Clinic Schedule

For Immediate Release                                                                                               June 17, 2022 Pediatric COVID Vac…

SURVEY about Broadband Access in Clinton County

All County residents and Business Owners have the opportunity to take a survey until April 15th, 2022 about Broadband/Internet service at their home …


County Commissioners seek Qualified CandidatesAn important responsibility of the board of Clinton County Commissioners is the app…

Clinton County Health District, OHIO Announces 5-11 Year Olds COVID Vaccination Opportunities Following CDC Director Approval of Pfizer Vaccine

CCHD will provide COVID and Flu vaccination opportunities for those children ages 5- 11 years old and their families at all Clinton County School Dis…


Proposals for the Demolition of 132 Main Street, New Vienna, Ohio will be received by the Clinton County Board of Commissioners at their office locat…

Clinton County Health District, OHIO COVID & Flu Vaccination Clinics Week of October 25th

CCHD will host another “Drive-Thru” style COVID & Flu Vaccination Clinic on Wednesday, October 27th from 1 pm-4 pm in the parking lot of the form…

Special Purpose Flood Damage Resolution

PUBLIC NOTICEAfter two public hearings held on October 6th and October 13th, 2021, the Clinton County Board of Commissioners adopted the Special Purp…

COVID & Flu Vaccination Clinics Week of October 11th

CCHD will host another “Drive-Thru” style COVID & Flu Vaccination Clinic on Wednesday, October 13th from 1pm-4pm in the parking lot of the former…

Clinton County Health District, OHIO Clinton County Remains “High” COVID Transmission County Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccinations Continue

COVID cases are increasing rapidly throughout Clinton County and the SW Ohio Region. Clinton County currently has nearly 170 known Active Cases of th…

Request for Qualifications -Contract for Professional Services Architectural and Engineering

Clinton County government (Clinton County, Ohio) hereinafter referred to as “the County” intends to contract for architectural/engineering services i…

Clinton County Health District, OHIO Clinton County a “High” COVID Transmission County Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccinations Continue

COVID cases are increasing rapidly throughout Clinton County and the SW Ohio Region as the highly contagious Delta variant continues its march across…


As part of Southern State Community College's pivot toward more online course offerings and post-secondary education opportunities, the local communi…

Clinton County Health District, OHIO Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccinations July 2021 Clinic Schedule Set

6/23/2021- For the week of June 28, 2021, and through the end of July 2021, the Clinton County Health District (CCHD) will be hosting Walk-In Clinics…

COMMISSIONERS HOLD SPECIAL SESSION For the purpose of Community Meeting regarding Yellowwood Solar Project

Wilmington— 06/17/2021 A special session will be held on Tuesday, June 29, 6:30 pm, at the County Courthouse, Court of Common Pleas, 3rd Floor, 46 S.…

Clinton County Health District, OHIO Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccinations No Advanced Scheduling Needed

For the week of June 21, 2021, the Clinton County Health District (CCHD) will be hosting Walk-In Clinics for COVID vaccinations from 1PM to 4PM Monda…

Clinton County Health District, OHIO Walk-In COVID-19 Vaccinations No Advanced Scheduling Needed

06/02/2021– For the remainder of this week and for the week of June 7, 2021, the Clinton County Health District (CCHD) will be hosting the following …

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