Port Authority News & Press Releases


ERENovember 9, 2023


Office, and Research & Development Space Leased


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Clinton County Port Authority continues to diversify the mix of businesses located at the Wilmington Air Park. Most recently, this involves the lease of both office space and research, development, and test space to Vector ElectroMagnetics, LLC.


“In response to ongoing business growth, Vector is expanding its footprint in the Air Park as well as bringing on additional employees in a range of positions including engineers, technicians, program managers, and support staff,” said Brian Barber, Vice President at Vector ElectroMagnetics.


An engineering and technology company, Vector ElectroMagnetics conducts research, design and development of specialized hardware, equipment and materials for the United States Department of Defense. Vector customers include multiple branches of the United States Armed Forces and various DoD Prime Contractors.


“We are excited to welcome Vector ElectroMagntics to the Wilmington Air Park,” said T. Alex Beres. “Our commitment continues to the residents of Clinton County of creating a well-diversified employer base at the Air Park of complementary and innovative aviation, logistics, and defense-related businesses, and Vector is just another example of that commitment.


Vector ElectroMagnetics has leased office space in the Main Administration Building and research, development, and test space in another facility within the airport.


The Wilmington Air Park is home to a dozen tenants in the nearly 60 buildings on the air park. Those tenants employ around 4,600 people. Businesses operations on the Air Park range from law office operations to company headquarters, to flight management and aircraft repair to air cargo operations. The Wilmington Air Park is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio and ranked 24th in the United States by the Bureau of Transportation. Among cargo-focused airports, it is ranked fourth in the country.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by Clinton County, the City of Wilmington, and the CIC of Wilmington as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to, and retain jobs in, the area. It has been voted a Best Workplace for the last four years. The Port Authority owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space. It is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio and ranked 24th in the United States and was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org and www.WilmingtonAirPark.com.

PDF of Release HERE


Approves Sub Meter Work


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Clinton County Port Authority held its October meeting recently and elected officers for the 2023-2024 Board Year.


Walt Rowsey was reelected as Chair of the Board. Beth Ellis was reelected as Vice Chair and Brian Smith as Secretary/Fiscal Officer.    


“Each year in October, we hold our annual organizational meeting, per our bylaws, and part of that is to elect officers to one-year terms,” said Rowsey.   


“We truly appreciate each Member’s service requiring a great sacrifice of time as volunteers.,” said Executive Director T. Alex Beres. “This is a working Board that has nearly 50 years of combined experience and institutional knowledge of Port Authority business bringing exceptional and effective leadership for regional economic and aviation development.”   


In other business, Chair Rowsey read through the Committee Assignments and ensured members were on committees of interest to them.


Clinton County Port Authority Board members are appointed by the Clinton County Board of Commissioners to serve four-year terms.  Along with Rowsey, Ellis and Smith, members of the Board include Bill Ferguson, Renee LaPine, John Settlemyre and Jim West.


Along with authorizing the payment of bills, and review of third quarter results, the Board reviewed and passed a Budget Amendment.


“As we work through the year, we get better information on what true costs and revenues will be,” said Beres. “This periodic adjustment to the budget represents updates revenue and expense projections based on, in this case, nine months of actual spending.”


The board reviewed and passed approval for the purchase and installation of submeters of certain areas on the airport, and then heard staff member reports.


Ruth Brindle, Workforce and Data Specialist, shared updates on the recent Career Exploration Fair, sponsored by the Clinton County Workforce Collaborative, of which the Port Authority is a member.


“Students from all four school districts in the county as well as other schools in the area attended the event,” Brindle said. “35 distinct employers interacted with over 600 students throughout the day.”


The Board generally meets on the second Thursday of each month at the Wilmington Air Park.  The Board voted to move its November meeting back one week from November 9 to November 16, 2023.  



About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by Clinton County, the City of Wilmington, and the CIC of Wilmington as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to, and retain jobs in, the area. It has been voted a Best Workplace for the last four years. The Port Authority owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space. It is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio and ranked 24th in the United States and was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org and www.WilmingtonAirPark.com.

PDF of Release

Port Authority Announces Executive Director

January 12, 2023


T. Alex Beres selected by Clinton County Port Authority

Wilmington, Ohio –   The Board of Directors of the Clinton County Port Authority announced today that T. Alex Beres has been selected to be the new Executive Director. A seasoned public official with significant economic development background, Beres brings a wealth of management experience to the Port Authority to continue its work in Clinton County.


“He is a seasoned executive with detailed familiarity of Economic Development in Ohio, and that will serve the Port Authority well. We are pleased to welcome him aboard and we look forward with optimism to his leadership of the Port Authority,” said current Port Authority Chairman Walt Rowsey. 


The Port Authority’s HR Committee Chair, Brian Smith added, “His 10+ years of management experience in the public and private sector, his proven ability to develop new strategic initiatives, his experience with stakeholder engagement, and his proven decision-making capabilities will be vital as the Port Authority moves forward for Clinton County.”


Beres leaves the position of Policy Analyst in the Office of the Secretary, US Department of Transportation in Washington DC to join the Clinton County Port Authority. He has been there since November of 2020. 


“I’m honored by the Board entrusting me with the responsibility to lead the Port. My family is excited to come back to Ohio and make Clinton County our home. The tremendous work Beth Huber and the team at the Port have done over the last year gives me the confidence that I can hit the ground running and we can continue in doing impactful work on behalf of the entire County,” said Beres.


Beres indicated his work often has involved collaboration and working with multiple organizations and individuals to create success. He acknowledges that the same opportunities are available in Clinton County and looks forward to building that framework. 


With over 12 years of his career based in central Ohio, Beres is intimately familiar with the economic and political environment and as well as the history of the Wilmington Air Park, the 1,900-acre airport/development complex owned by the Port Authority.


Beres earned his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and History from Ashland University, and a Masters in Government with Honors Distinction from Johns Hopkins University. He was also a Policy Fellow with the University of Bath in Great Britain. He has served on several boards including the Franklin County Transportation Improvement District, the Community Capital Development Corporation (SBA Development Company for small business lending), the Delaware County Housing Council and the Delaware County Tax Incentive Review Council.




About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington Community Improvement Corporation as the lead Economic Development agency for Clinton County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to, and retain jobs in, the area. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, Ohio’s top ranked cargo airport, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was named the Best Airport in Ohio in 2020, 2021, and 2022. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

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Port Authority Prepares for 2023

Board Renews Contracts, Sets 2023 Meeting Schedule


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Clinton County Port Authority Board of Directors held its final regularly scheduled meeting of 2022 recently. 


In addition to end-of-year financial business and approving the appropriation for its 2023 business year, the Board reviewed and renewed agreements with Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc. (JLL) and CBD Advisors.  


In presenting the renewal for consideration, Acting Executive Director Beth Huber shared with the Board that JLL has represented the Port Authority since 2012. She said, “David Lotterer and the JLL team provide a wide range of support for our organization, including marketing materials, industry and area analysis, and a broad reach within its internal network.” 


Chairman Rowsey added that the JLL team goes above and beyond in its support of our opportunities here at the Wilmington Air Park, and that he appreciates the dedication and support. 


In other business, the Board adopted a 2023 Meeting Schedule, opting to continue meeting on the second Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. at the Wilmington Air Park. It authorized the purchase of fleet vehicles over the next few months to update the aging equipment. Huber said, “While the plan had been to get vehicles through a fleet program, since the vehicles were not built, this will provide an alternative to continue the necessary updates to vehicles for the airport.” 


Together with LGSTX Services, the staff is monitoring the next vehicles and equipment that ought to be in line for replacement.


Additionally, the Board approved updates to the Employee Handbook, and named the Executive Director to be the Public Records Coordinator. 


Staff members shared updates on recent activity, including a report from Ruth Brindle on the recent presentation as a member of the Clinton County Workforce Collaborative (CCWC) at the national conference of the Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA) in Atlanta, Georgia. The CCWC will have an open meeting on January 19, 2023, to review progress and organize for 2023. 


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington Community Improvement Corporation as the lead Economic Development agency for Clinton County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to, and retain jobs in, the area. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, Ohio’s top ranked cargo airport, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was named the Best Airport in Ohio in 2020, 2021, and 2022. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.


Port Authority Recognizes Economic Development Week

Discusses Leases, Tenant Improvements, Insurance


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Board of the Clinton County Port Authority met last week and continued the recognition offered by its partner organizations, in recognizing May 9-13 as “Economic Development Week.”


Sharing information with the Board, Executive Director Daniel Evers said that when it is undertaken successfully, economic development is a team effort. He added, “In our community, several organizations work together to facilitate economic development.”


As evidenced later in staff reports, there are many examples of cooperation on economic development initiatives throughout the county. The Ohio Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Miami Regionals, funded locally by the Port Authority, continue outreach into the community.  Evers said, “Five existing businesses are enjoying improved performance and have made connections with legal counsel, insurance and other important assistance.”


The SBDC has facilitated $640,000 in loans for community businesses so far this year and has initiated relationships with four prospective start-up businesses. The program has been active in Clinton County for just short of two years and has helped 41 clients to create 91 jobs.


Ruth Brindle reported that the Clinton County Workforce Coalition presented survey results at a recent Economic Network Alliance meeting – a meeting co-hosted by the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce and the Clinton County Regional Planning Commission. Highlighting more community collaboration in economic development, Brindle said this group would be continuing its outreach to gather workforce barrier data throughout the summer and would be the featured program at the Chamber’s Annual Luncheon coming up in June.


“We also were recognized as a ‘Friend of Education' for our work on Workforce issues by the Southern Ohio Educational Service Center (SOESC) at its awards night recently,” said Brindle, adding that plans for a local Career Exploration Fair are in the works for later this year.


“Recognizing Economic Development Week allows us to speak to the work of so many organizations in the county, the region and the state, and to reinforce the collaboration and multiple dimensions of our local economic development network,” said Evers.


In other business, the Board members approved leasing building space to a potential tenant proposing to initiate a new business at the airport. “While we see both general aviation (GA) and corporate aircraft traffic at the airport today, initiation of an organized FBO – fixed base operator – business will formalize the services most GA and corporate operators expect when arriving at an airport,” said Evers. This has the potential to increase the draw to the airport, as the operator intentionally markets services to this target aviation sector, he added.


Additional Tenant repairs and improvements included roof repairs to two buildings as well as continuing the significant renovations to Building E in preparation for that tenant.


“Having executed this Lease, we are working diligently to complete these renovations,” said Beth Huber, CCPA Associate Director. The projects in progress include improvements in HVAC and lighting, as well as the installation of a specific crane system to facilitate the operations of the tenant.


The Board approved the renewal of its Aviation Insurance and addressed other items of business and heard reports from staff, its broker and LGSTX Services, Inc.  - the airport operations team – representatives.


The Clinton County Port Authority Board meets monthly on the second Thursday at 9 a.m. at the Wilmington Air Park.



About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It twice has been recognized as a Best Workplace. The Port Authority owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office, and hangar space. It is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio and ranked 25th in the U.S. It was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020 and 2021. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org, and www.WilmintonAirPark.com.

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Wilmington Air Park Ranked Highest Volume Cargo Airport in Ohio

Ranked 25th in the Nation


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Wilmington Air Park was ranked the highest volume airport in Ohio for cargo shipped for 12 consecutive months as of the end of 2021. That volume also makes it the 25th busiest airport in the United States based on pounds of freight transiting the airport. The volume of freight processed at the airport, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, is 512 million pounds for the 12-month period through December 2021


“The Wilmington Air Park has maintained the rank of number one in Ohio since February of 2020,” said Clinton County Port Authority Executive Director Daniel Evers. “We’re extremely proud of this achievement – as well as being the 25th highest-volume cargo airport, out of a field of 770 airports in the United States, for the last quarter of 2021.”


“This ranking recognizes the hard work of many here at the Wilmington Air Park,” continued Evers. “The Amazon cargo operations involve the coordinated work of the company’s associates to plan, handle, and process the freight. That effort, along with the shipping done by cargo charters, is made possible by the technicians and pilots who maintain and fly the aircraft, and the exceptional teams of people who plow snow, mow grass, maintain facilities and lighting systems, maintain navigational aids, staff the fire station and the tower and plan every day to ensure that operations are as seamless as possible, every day.”


Well positioned for freight and cargo operations, the airport has long been a logistics center. In the early 1980s it was home to fledgling Airborne Express that later grew to be the third largest overnight delivery company in the nation.


It served as the proof-of-concept location for cargo operations, and now houses nightly operations and accommodates charter cargo flights. The Air Park also is home to the world’s largest lessor of Boeing 767 cargo aircraft, Cargo Aircraft Management, a subsidiary of Air Transport Services Group (ATSG). Other ATSG subsidiaries located at the Wilmington Air Park include, Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services, Air Transport International, ABX Air, Airborne Global Services, Airborne Flight Services and LGSTX Services, Inc.  


The Port Authority has owned the Wilmington Air Park for nearly 12 years. More than $5 million has been invested in aviation engineering design and infrastructure at the Wilmington Air Park over the past five years, including grant funds from the Ohio Department of Transportation Office of Aviation, a capital grant from the State of Ohio, and general fund dollars from the Clinton County Port Authority.


Last year the Ohio Aviation Association recognized LGSTX Services, the on-airport ground handling team, as well as the airport operations team, as the top in Ohio, as well.


 “The dedication of the LGSTX team, together with the depth of their knowledge of the airport, has allowed the Port Authority to invest and leverage our available funds strategically to create an environment that will enable continued growth of aircraft operations at the airport,” said Evers. “We continue to attract the attention of cargo operators, due to the location of the Air Park, flexibility in our ability to accommodate users’ needs, and the efficiencies of operating at cargo-only airport.”


Bureau of Transportation statistics are updated monthly and published on their website at https://bit.ly/ILN_Stats



About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It twice has been recognized as a Best Workplace. The Port Authority owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office, and hangar space. It is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio and ranked 25th in the U.S. It was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020 and 2021. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org, and www.WilmintonAirPark.com.

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Port Authority Announces Staff Changes

The Clinton County Port Authority Board and Staff extend its congratulations to Ms. Jennifer Klus on her acceptance of the Director of Economic Development position for the City of Dublin, Ohio.  


“We wholeheartedly wish her the best on this next step in her career,” said Walt Rowsey, Chair of the Clinton County Port Authority Board. “She has been a great help in growing our county-wide Economic Development Program, and her influence on it will be missed.”


Ms. Klus will begin with the City of Dublin later this month, continuing her long career in Economic Development. She started with the Port Authority in January of 2020 and has been involved in several projects including county-wide COVID communication and small business grant efforts, a county-wide Housing Study, the Clinton County Workforce Collaborative initiative, and the recent Polaris, Inc. expansion.  Of particular note, Ms. Klus initiated efforts to bring SBDC services to Clinton County, which have been widely utilized.


“I have enjoyed the work and environment here,” said Klus, “and greatly enjoyed working with Port Authority Staff and Board. This is wonderful opportunity for me professionally and will allow me to continue to do Economic Development on a larger scale.”


“Jennifer is a consummate professional, an exceptional colleague, and driver of economic development activity. She has had a significant impact on our organization and community, and her shoes will be hard to fill,” offered Dan Evers, Executive Director of the Clinton County Port Authority.

 The countywide collaboration will continue with the current Port Authority Staff as an evaluation is made for next steps. Economic Development questions, projects and concerns should be directed to Daniel Evers, Executive Director for the Clinton County Port Authority.



About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It twice has been recognized as a Best Workplace. The Port Authority owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office, and hangar space. It is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio and ranked 25th in the U.S. It was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020 and 2021. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org, and www.WilmintonAirPark.com.

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Port Authority Receives MAEDC Award

Mid-America Economic Development Council Recognizes Organization’s  “Economic Development Week” Efforts 


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Clinton County Port Authority’s Economic Development Week 2021 Campaign was selected as the winner for the Marketing Program (Small Division) category for the Mid-America Economic Development Council’s (MAEDC) 2021 Annual Economic Development Awards.


“The Port Authority is thrilled, and honored, to receive this recognition from the MAEDC,” said Clinton County Port Authority Executive Director Dan Evers. “I’m extremely proud of the excellent work of my colleagues on this initiative. It reflects the energy and creativity our team brings to community engagement efforts and all of our economic development program activities.” The award was presented Thursday at a ceremony during the Mid-America Competitiveness Conference, which is held annually Chicago, Illinois.


The Port Authority has been the officially designated Economic Development arm of the county government for several years. The Economic Development program – funded by a collaborative agreement between the Port Authority, the City of Wilmington, the Clinton County Board of Commissioners, the Clinton County Convention & Visitors Bureau, and the Wilmington Community Improvement Corporation – has only been in effect since January 2020. That timing meant that much of the public introduction of the program and its Director, Jennifer Klus, was sidelined by the Covid-19 pandemic, as in-person meetings and events were postponed or cancelled, and as the program’s attention focused on emergency response.


While the Port works closely on a daily basis with City, County, and community agencies, staff had little opportunity to interact directly with the general public, either formally or informally, in 2020, making Economic Development Week, from May 9-15, 2021, an ideal avenue for belatedly introducing the program, and for highlighting and promoting the program’s partners to individuals and organizations throughout the county.


“Through the multiple public-awareness components of the campaign, we were able to have conversations that allowed us to help individuals understand exactly what Economic Development is, and how that work is carried out in our community,” said Jennifer Klus, Economic Development Director with the Clinton County Port Authority. 


The campaign, which received a silver award from the International Economic Development Council earlier in the fall, encompassed a robust social media campaign, recognition from local and state government representatives, and community awareness and business education programs. It also included participation in, and promotion of, events by the Port Authority’s Economic Development partners throughout Clinton County.


“Our ability to represent our community effectively and positively, provide the assistance needed, and demonstrate that Clinton County is a location where businesses can succeed and thrive, is fundamental to the success of the entire community,” noted Evers. “This campaign was an important part of that effort.”


MAEDC has sponsored the annual Economic Development Awards competition to recognize and stimulate the creative use of quality marketing by economic development organizations throughout the 13-state Mid-America region in promoting their respective communities. The competition is open to all economic development organizations in the MAEDC region.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office, and hangar space. It is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio, is ranked 27th in the U.S., and was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020 and 2021. Learn more about the Port Authority at ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.


About the Mid-America Economic Development Council

The Mid-America Economic Development Council is a multi-state association dedicated to being the leading resource for making contact with site selectors, advancing regional economic development programs, and accessing thought leadership. MAEDC members are dedicated economic development professionals who share best practices to add value in their organizations and communities. Learn more at midamericaedc.org.





Photo: Dean Dziedzic, Mid-America EDC Board President, presented the award to Jennifer Klus, Clinton County Port Authority Economic Development Director, at the Mid-America Competitive Conference in Chicago.

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Port Authority Authorizes Infrastructure Improvements, Annual Agreements

LGSTX Reports on Airport Activity


(Wilmington, Ohio) At its November meeting, the Clinton County Port Authority Board approved renewing annual agreements with DigiCom and CBD Advisors, as well as renewed its agreement with Michael Baker International for three years.


DigiCom provides services in support of the security cameras and access control system on the Wilmington Air Park. The agreement covers routine maintenance, replacement of failed components, software updates, technical support and more.


CBD Advisors provides strategic counsel, assistance and government relations services to the Port Authority. Engaged for several years, the firm has provided significant assistance, and support, in securing capital budget grant awards, as well as providing a wide range of technical and advisory services.


Michael Baker International has served as the Port Authority’s airport engineering firm for the past three years. The initial agreement had an optional three-year renewal and that was exercised by the Board.


Additionally, the Board reviewed the 2021 finances through the third quarter and approved amendments to the 2021 Budget.


“Generally, these amendments bring the budget in line with actual expenses,” said Walt Rowsey, Clinton County Port Authority Board Chair. “As we near the close of the fiscal year, we are better able to determine what revenues and expenses are for the year.”


After reviewing the financial reports, the Board authorized the option to redeem special revenue bonds issued when the Port Authority purchased additional property around the Wilmington Air Park at the time of the donation. This option will be explored by Staff in the next few weeks.


Two new projects reviewed and approved by the Board included the purchase and installation of an ALSF (Approach Lighting System with Sequenced Flashing Lights) and related equipment, as well as the engagement of a vendor to remove trees from an area of the Wilmington Air Park.


The ALSF system components will be customized to the system in place at the airport. “We have been experiencing a shorting problem with the current system configuration,” said Daniel Evers, Port Authority Executive Director. “This component being replaced in all 49 appliances in the system will address that issue.”


Addressing the tree removal, Kenny Chamblin, Manager of Air Park Properties and Facilities and Airport Wildlife Control Coordinator said, “Removing the trees from the property helps the Wilmington Air Park to address a Wildlife Management Issue.”


“Removing them now allows for a proactive step,” added Evers. “Should this property be included in a development project in the future, this will eliminate one step in process.”


Staff Reports followed up on discussions from last month on Workforce issues including graduation rates and gathering data on post-secondary choices made by local students. “While information is readily available on how many students enter and complete a two- or four-year degree, it is less available on other options such as trade schools, and certificate programs, or for those who immediately enter the workforce,” said Ms. Ruth Brindle, Administrative Assistant for the Port Authority, and a member of the Clinton County Workforce Development Roundtable Steering Committee.


LGSTX Services staff were on hand and shared some updates on activity at the airport. Much of the activity focused on winter operations. Staff has been working with the snow removal equipment and staging salt and other chemicals for melting snow. The PUCO was in for its annual inspection and found no issues with the reports and processes in place. A recent wire-repair project went quickly and resulted in no operational down time. Other activities were shared to update the Board.


Following the public meeting, the Board went into executive session to discuss pending economic development opportunities. Chairman Walt Rowsey said the Board did not expect to return from Executive Session with any additional public business.


The Clinton County Port Authority Board of Directors usually meets on the second Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. in the Administration Building at the Wilmington Air Park. Its December meeting is scheduled for the third Thursday, on December 16, 2021, this year, however.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office, and hangar space. It is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio and ranked 27th in the U.S. and was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020 and 2021. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org



For the PDF of the Release, click HERE.

Wilmington Air Park Named Best Airport

Ohio Business Magazine Announces Second Annual “Best in Ohio Business” Awards


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Wilmington Air Park has been recognized as the Best Airport in Ohio for the second year in a row by Ohio Business Magazine in its “Best in Ohio Business” Awards.


In announcing the winners, the magazine’s editors noted, “In our second annual Best in Ohio Business Awards, we wanted to honor the many businesses and services that make Ohio such a great place to do business.”


“We believe in collaboration,” said Dan Evers, Executive Director of the Clinton County Port Authority. “More importantly, our team puts it into practice daily – with our tenants, our vendors, and our community partners. This approach builds trust and heightens awareness of the capacity and opportunities that the Wilmington Air Park provides. That’s what allowed us to win this award.”


Individuals from across the state voted in the online competition for their favorite businesses and organizations in 96 categories, from architectural firms and chambers of commerce to meeting and event centers and dinner locations. Voting took place between August 23 and September 19. The Wilmington Air Park utilized its presence on Twitter (@WilmingtonAirPk) and LinkedIn (@wilmington-air-park) to showcase the Air Park’s attributes and encourage people to vote.


“Our tenants provide market validation that this is an excellent location for aviation and air cargo operations. Our partners – operational partners at the airport and community partners – provide the support to make our capacity and opportunities a reality,” added Evers. “We think, and hope, that is a message that is becoming evident throughout Ohio and beyond.”


In the last year, the Wilmington Air Park reached 95 percent occupancy of its nearly 2.8 million square feet of tenant space. Additionally, 481 million pounds of freight was shipped through the Air Park in the 12-month period ending June 2021. This level of air cargo activity made the Wilmington Air Park Ohio’s highest-volume cargo airport, and the 28th highest-volume airport in the U.S., according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.


The full list of categories, nominees, and winners is available at ohiobusinessmag.com/best-in-ohio-business/.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office, and hangar space. It is the highest volume cargo airport in Ohio and ranked 28th n the U.S. and was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020 and 2021. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.



For full release, click HERE. 

Port Authority Receives IEDC Award

International Economic Development Council Recognizes Organization’s “Economic Development Week” Efforts 


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Clinton County Port Authority won a Silver Award for its “#EDW2021 in Clinton County” project from the from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). The recognition was awarded in the category of “Innovation in Economic Development Week.”


“We are incredibly honored to receive this recognition from the IEDC,” said Clinton County Port Authority Executive Director Dan Evers. “It is a testament to the energy and creativity our team brings to our community engagement efforts, and I’m extremely proud of the work of my colleagues on this initiative.” The honor was presented Tuesday at an awards ceremony during the IEDC Annual Conference, which was held in Nashville, Tennessee.


The Port Authority’s EDW2021 Project encompassed a robust social media campaign, recognition from local and state government representatives, and community awareness and business education programs. It also included participation in, and promotion of, events by the Port Authority’s Economic Development partners throughout Clinton County.


“We saw EDW2021 as an opportunity to engage with the public about the role Economic Development plays in a variety of facets of the life of the community,” said Jennifer Klus, Economic Development Director with the Clinton County Port Authority, “work that includes a broad range of activities to attract, create, and retain jobs, and to foster a resilient, pro-growth tax base and an inclusive economy.”


“The successful practice of Economic Development requires a collaborative effort involving industry, government, and myriad community stakeholders,” said Evers, “so it was important for us to use EDW2021 to also highlight our local partners: the City of Wilmington, the Clinton County Board of Commissioners, the Community Improvement Corporation of Wilmington, the Clinton County Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Clinton County Regional Planning Commission, Main Street Wilmington, the Ohio SBDC at Miami Regionals, and the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce.”


“The winners of IEDC’s Excellence in Economic Development awards represent the best of Economic Development and exemplify the leadership that our profession strives for every day,” said 2021 IEDC Board Chair and Invest Buffalo Niagara President and CEO Tom Kucharski. “We’re honored to recognize more than 100 communities whose marketing submissions, projects, and partnerships have improved regional quality     of life.”


IEDC’s Excellence in Economic Development Awards recognize the world’s best economic development programs and partnerships, marketing materials, and the year’s most influential leaders. Twenty-five award categories honor organizations and individuals for their efforts in creating positive change in urban, suburban, and rural communities. Awards were judged by a diverse panel of economic and community developers, following a nomination process held earlier this year. IEDC received over 500 submissions from four countries.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City, and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.


About the International Economic Development Council

The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) is a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization serving economic developers. With more than 5,000 members, IEDC is the largest organization of its kind. From public to private, rural to urban, and local to international, IEDC’s members engage in the full range of economic development experiences and are employed in various settings, including local, state, provincial, and federal governments, public-private partnerships, chambers of commerce, universities, and a variety of other institutions. Learn more at www.iedconline.org.

For a PDF of the Release, click HERE



LGSTX Services Named OAA Airport Business of the Year

The Wilmington Air Park is home to the Ohio Aviation Association's (OAA) 2021 Airport Business of the Year.   LGSTX Services, Inc. was recognized at the annual conference. An excerpt from the media release is below: 

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio Aviation Association (OAA) is proud to continue the tradition of honoring those individuals or entities that go above and beyond for airports and aviation in Ohio. At the OAA’s 2021 Annual Conference, held virtually this week, select awards were presented and new board members were welcomed as well.


2021 Airport Business of the Year: This award recognizes a business with a mission, services, and goals that result in a positive impact on a community, workforce, and local airport. This year’s award recipient has helped propel Ohio’s aviation and airport industry forward by performing its core mission and operations exceedingly well. Ohio Aviation Association is pleased to announce LGSTX Services. Incas the recipient of the 2021 Airport Business of the Year Award.


LGSTX Services is the contracted operator of Wilmington Air Park (KILN) on behalf of the Clinton County Port Authority. Wilmington Air Park is a center of economic development for the region and currently the highest-volume freight airport in Ohio. With an airport that has nearly 2,000 acres, two runways that can land nearly anything that flies, plus nearly 2.8 million square feet of facility space on the property, it takes a special company to keep the operations going day and night. They have played an instrumental role in the efforts to secure the return of air cargo operations to KILN and they serve as a great partner in the planning and continued development at the airport. A team of 30 talented and devoted workers focus exclusively on supporting KILN every day and their hard work shows.


“LGSTX’s expertise and commitment to aviation, air cargo operations, and Ohio, is clear every day,” said Stacey Heaton, Executive Director of the Ohio Aviation Association. “Ohio’s proximity to the US population provides a great opportunity for aviation and freight logistics and we are lucky to have LGSTX Services here to help.”

Commenting on the recognition, Daniel Evers, Executive Director of the Clinton County Port Authority said, “We truly appreciate the work the LGSTX team does, daily, to ensure the Wilmington Air Park is open, running smoothly, and growing. Their breadth and depth of knowledge about the airport is invaluable, and they genuinely care about what is best for its success.”


Jeremy Heard accepted the award on behalf of LGSTX Services, Inc., and said, “The LGSTX Services team works hard every day, on every facet of the airport facility – from grounds to facilities to navigational aids to equipment and more. We appreciate the partnership with the Port Authority to continue to ensure the success of the businesses at the airport.” Jeremy Heard is the Director of Airports, Facility Maintenance/Safety/Environmental/Training for LGSTX Services, Inc.


This is the link to the video made for the conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO_5K9vJZ1Q

To view the full release noting all award winners, click HERE


Wilmington Air Park one of Top Three Airports in Ohio for Second Year

Ohio Business Magazine Voting Open for Top Airport Honors 


(Wilmington, Ohio) Voting is now open for Ohio Business Magazine’s “Best in Ohio Business” Awards. For the second year in a row, the Wilmington Air Park was selected as one of the top three airports in Ohio, and now the voting is up to the public.

 “We’re gratified, and humbled, to be a finalist for this recognition for the second year in a row. This recognition is based on the capacity, the operations and the performance of the airport, as well as the opportunities for business at the Airport,” said Clinton County Port Authority Executive Director Dan Evers.

 “The Wilmington Air Park is an incredible asset for the region, which is why I nominated it again this year,” said Jennifer Klus, Economic Development Director for the Port Authority. “Besides serving as an employment center, it is the highest volume air cargo airport in Ohio.”

 Voting opened on August 23 and runs through 9 p.m. on Sunday, September 19, 2021. The public is encouraged to vote daily at https://bit.ly/BestOhioAirport2021. The link to vote online can also be found on the Wilmington Air Park and Clinton County Port Authority LinkedIn pages (@wilmington-air-park and @clinton-county-port-authority), Twitter feeds (@WilmingtonAirPk and @CountyPort), and websites (WilmingtonAirPark.com and ChooseClintonCountyOH.org).

 “This is a tremendous asset – for our community, our region, and the state. We know that, and we know our community actively supports the Wilmington Air Park and our tenant businesses,” said Evers. “Those 15 businesses located here employ nearly 4,000 people from throughout our region, and continue to grow, and create even more opportunities.” The other two airports in the top three are Dayton International Airport and Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport.

 In the last year, the Wilmington Air Park has reached 95% occupancy of its nearly 2.8 million square feet of tenant space. Additionally, 475 million pounds of freight has been shipped through the Air Park in the 12-month period ending May 2021. This level of air cargo activity makes the Wilmington Air Park Ohio’s highest-volume cargo airport, and the 30th highest-volume airport in the U.S., according to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

 Individuals can vote once each day for the Wilmington Air Park in the “Transportation” category, one of 18 industry sectors included in the ballot. The Air Park is the only business in Clinton County recognized as a competitor by Ohio Business Magazine.

 About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City of Wilmington, and the Wilmington CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020 and 2021. Learn more at ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

For a PDF, click HERE

Port Authority Recognized as 2021 Ohio Best Workplace

Ohio Business Magazine Recognizes Outstanding Workplaces

For the second year in a row, the Clinton County Port Authority has been selected by Ohio Business Magazine as a “Best Workplace in Ohio.”


The magazine’s annual program recognizes workplaces in a variety of categories, with the Port Authority recognized as a government entity with fewer than 50 employees. Nominations, which were submitted in May, collected information about employee engagement, benefits, and awards and recognitions. A committee compiled by the magazine selected the winners. 


“Receiving this recognition two years in a row is both humbling and flattering,” said Clinton County Port Authority Executive Director Dan Evers. “I believe it is a testament to my colleagues at the Port Authority, and to the vision and support that we receive from the Port Authority Board of Directors.” 


In all, 58 Ohio businesses were included in the rankings in categories based on size (companies with fewer than 50 employees, with 50 to 200 employees, and with more than 200 employees) and type of business (public, private, nonprofit, and government). The Clinton County Port Authority was the only business recognized in Wilmington, and one of only three government entities recognized. The statewide winners included businesses in retail, professional service, healthcare, dining, personal care, and entertainment in the greater Dayton and Cincinnati areas.


“I’m so honored be to part of a team who has achieved this award two years in a row,” said Jennifer Klus, Economic Development Director for the Port Authority. “I think it speaks volumes about the collaborative environment in Clinton County and the dedication of my colleagues at the Port Authority.”


As stated in the Ohio Business Magazine article announcing the winners, “Many things changed last year, including what even constitutes a workplace…and several factors that contribute to a great workplace – in-person team events, welcoming offices and fun amenities – had to be reimagined.” However, noted the magazine, the sixth annual “Best Workplaces in Ohio” award “reminds us that Ohio is still a great place to work.”


The Summer edition of the magazine is being distributed now, and highlights many of the companies and institutions recognized as Best Workplaces. “We’re fortunate to have an environment here where collaboration and innovation are encouraged,” noted Evers. “We try to bring that same attitude and action to our community, clients, and partners on a daily basis.”


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City, and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was named Best Airport in Ohio in 2020. Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

For the full release, click HERE.


Port Authority Celebrates Award-Winning SBDC Member

The Clinton County Port Authority is pleased to congratulate David Riggs, Director of the SBDC at Miami Regionals, for being named Ohio’s SBDC State Star in 2021. 


America’s SBDC, the national association that represents the nationwide network of Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), annually recognizes one outstanding SBDC employee from each of its 62 members. This outstanding employee exhibits exemplary performance, makes a significant contribution to their state or regional SBDC program, and shows a strong commitment to small business. Using a peer-based selection process, the Ohio SBDC network selected David Riggs for Ohio’s SBDC State Star.


Among his many achievements, Riggs was recognized for opening new satellite offices in Oxford, Liberty Township, and here in Clinton County. 


“I’ve worked with Dave Riggs for over five years, and he is truly deserving of this award,” said Jennifer Klus, Economic Development Director for the Clinton County Port Authority. “His commitment to the program and dedication to small business success makes our program unique and more robust. His individual contributions to the small business communities, including our program in Clinton County, are certainly deserving of this recognition.”


The Clinton County Port Authority entered into a partnership with the SBDC at Miami Regionals in 2020. Since that time, 15 small businesses in Clinton County have worked directly with the SBDC’s Business Advisors, resulting in $2.3 million in secured commercial loans. “We are proud to be a part of this award-winning program,” added Klus.


Clinton County is currently served by James Buckner, Vice President of Business Counseling with the Ohio SBDC at Miami Regionals. Members of the small business community are encouraged to reach out with questions concerning business assessment, financial projection development, strategic business planning, identifying sources of capital, market feasibility, and export assistance, among other topics. Mr. Buckner can be contacted directly at bucknejd@miamioh.edu.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City, and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area. It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was named the Best Airport in Ohio in 2020. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020.  Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org

For the full release, click HERE

Port Authority Board Authorizes Lease, Building Improvements

At its July meeting, the Clinton County Port Authority Board approved the lease of Building 2051 to GA Telesis Engine Services, LLC, as well as approved funds to complete building remediation and improvements.


After authorizing bills to be paid, the Board heard from Executive Director Daniel Evers about the potential lease of approximately 60,000 square feet of warehouse space.


Evers said, “This facility was recently vacated by a tenant that had utilized the space primarily for storage. This proposed tenant would undertake a more active use of the space and bring new employment opportunities to the Air Park and the community.”


To accommodate the tenant operations, some building work is necessary, such as a thorough cleaning, painting, restroom rehibition, etc.   Beyond that, improvement in lighting and HVAC have been requested by the potential tenant. Working with LGSTX Services, Port Authority staff is seeking proposals for the work.


In other business, the Board approved a contract with Burgess and Niple for engineering services related to site design criteria and authorized the sale of a scale set to Airborne Maintenance and Engineering Services.


Staff reports included an update from broker David Lotterer who reported that prospect activity has been very consistent in the last month. Prospects are approaching the Port Authority with larger scale projects and with stronger financial support. He added that prospects represent a wide array of end users. The Port Authority, much like the County and the market in general, is hampered by a lack of available space. This makes the opportunities for building speculative space stronger.


Following that theme, much of the staff activity in the last month has centered on responding to leads for projects that could potentially be located throughout the county.


“Each Request for Information (RFI) has some standard questions and then some that are very specific to their needs,” said Economic Development Director Jennifer Klus. “We generally have a few days to gather the information and put it in the requested format and return it to the state or to the site selector or individual company requesting the information.”


She went on to explain that information often includes the type and capacity of utilities available to the site, if it is a property that is requested. For that, staff works with the individual providers. Other information might include any easements, zoning, height or emission restrictions, and information on proximity to transportation infrastructure, among other things.


The public meeting ended just after 10:30 a.m. and the Board went into executive session to discuss pending economic development opportunities. Chairman Walt Rowsey said the Board did not expect to return from Executive Session with any additional public business.


The Clinton County Port Authority Board of Directors meets on the second Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. in the Administration Building at the Wilmington Air Park.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was recently named the Best Airport in Ohio. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020.  Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

For the full release, click HERE. 

Port Authority Board Authorizes Fees, Auction Opportunities

June 11, 2021

Staff Reports Focus on Countywide Economic Development Efforts


(Wilmington, Ohio) At its June meeting, Clinton County Port Authority Board addressed three business items and spent much of the discussion time on economic development efforts throughout Clinton County.


Opening the first in-person meeting in 15 months, Chairman Walt Rowsey remarked that it was good to be back together. He added, “The recent 10+1 Anniversary event was also a nice event for those who were able to get together.” He offered his thanks to those who attended and for all those involved in getting it organized.


The Board had three business items to consider at its meeting.  After reviewing and authorizing payment of bills, the Board discussed the opportunity to purchase used airport equipment at auction. For the past few years, the Board has authorized the Executive Director to purchase equipment in support of Airport Operations from other airports. Generally, this equipment is available through a government auction service. Often, the auction notice and subsequent auction happen in rapid succession. This authorization allows the Executive Director to react quickly when equipment becomes available and is often able to purchase it well below “new” price.


“Many federally funded airports are able to replace equipment every few years,” said Daniel Evers, Executive Director for the Clinton County Port Authority. “The equipment is often still in good shape and available at a discount.”


Generally, the maintenance team from LGSTX is able to review the equipment before purchase to ensure that it is what the airport needs and will perform as intended when it arrives. In the last year, the staff has spent just short of $200,000 on equipment purchased at auction, including a recent purchase of three snow brooms and related equipment for just over $100,000, delivered. One of these machines, new, would cost in excess of $350,000.  The Board authorized a cap of $300,000 for these types of purchase for the next year.


The Board also approved a new fee schedule for Conference and Training Rooms at the Wilmington Air Park. The technology in these rooms was recently upgraded, with two rooms completely outfitted for video conferencing. Staff completed a survey of room rental charges in the area before suggesting pricing. The rooms are used frequently by Air Park tenants for meetings, training, and other social activities.


Much of the discussion in the Staff reports focused on countywide economic development activity. In a report from the Port Authority’s broker for the Wilmington Air Park, David Lotterer of JLL shared the progress on build-to-suit and speculative building prospects at the Air Park. Discussions with third-party developers continue, as does the work on the development site. The Port Authority is close to having all the “homework” done to allow the site to be authenticated in the State of Ohio’s site inventory program.


Chairman Rowsey asked if incentives to help draw developers to the area had been discussed with county and municipal partners. Mr. Lotterer confirmed that there had been some discussion, and that more was planned.


Infrastructure, housing and workforce also were topics of longer conversations, as well as the eight sites submitted to the JobsOhio Wave 3 of the Site Authentication program. “The Air Park site was in the second wave, and, as already mentioned, it is nearing authentication,” said Jennifer Klus, Economic Development Director for the Clinton County Port Authority. “We were not able to gather all the information requested for the other eight sites, but that is part of the exercise – to determine what is known so that the sites can be better situated to be candidates for leads when they are shared.”


Clinton County Commissioner Brenda Woods, in attendance at the meeting, shared that the County has engaged a consultant to review county infrastructure in some areas, including sewer and water accessibility.


“We have a great group assembled to tackle these issues and ongoing conversations,” said Chairman Rowsey, as the discussion concluded.


The Clinton County Port Authority Board of Directors meets on the second Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. in the Administration Building at the Wilmington Air Park.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was recently named the Best Airport in Ohio. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020.  Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

Click HERE for a PDF of the release.

Port Authority Celebrates 10+1 Anniversary

Wilmington Air Park Donated 11 Years Ago


(Wilmington, Ohio) The Clinton County Port Authority Board and staff gathered with past Board and staff members, and others recently to mark the “10 + 1” Anniversary of the donation of the Wilmington Air Park to the Clinton County Port Authority.


“Our opportunity to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the donation of the Air Park was compromised last year,” said Dan Evers, Executive Director of the Clinton County Port Authority. “We wanted to recognize the occasion this year and gather those who have been instrumental in the success we enjoy today.”


The Wilmington Air Park became the property of the Clinton County Port Authority on June 2, 2010, after several months of negotiations led by then-Board Chair, John Limbert.  Other Port Authority Board members at the time included: Dan DiBiasio, Fred Ertel, Ed Kuehn, Kathleen Madison, Bill Marine and Richard Thompson.


At that time, the Wilmington Air Park had approximately 700 employees and four business operations. Today, the Air Park is home to over 3,000 employees and 14 different businesses. And, today, nearly all of the 2.8 million square feet of space is leased.


“We are fortunate to have the opportunity to continue what these individuals started, a decade ago,” said Evers.  “Thank you to everyone who played a role in taking the Air Park from almost empty to within 3,000 square feet of being completely leased today. It’s a tribute to this community, and it’s a tribute to our tenants. I count myself lucky to be here today, standing on the shoulders of the people who took this chance, who took this risk, 11 years ago. We – the current staff and board – are proud of what we have accomplished, but that has only been possible thanks to everyone in the community who played a role over the last decade.”


Many of those who have been involved over the last decade (plus one year) were able to join the small event to reminisce and to remark on the progress.   


Current Board members include: Chair Walt Rowsey, Vice Chair Beth Ellis, Secretary/Fiscal Officer Larry Laake, Renee LaPine, John Settlemyre, Brian Smith and Jim West. The staff has grown in the last several months to include Executive Director Daniel Evers, Economic Development Director Jennifer Klus Ekey, Administrative Assistant Ruth Brindle, Badge Office Coordinator Kelly Greene and Associate Director Beth Huber.


 Click HERE for PDF of release. 

Ohio Vax-a-Million Details Announced

        Ohioans to enter at ohiovaxamillion.com beginning Tuesday, May 18

COLUMBUS – This morning, Ohio Department of Health Director Stephanie McCloud and Ohio Lottery Director Pat McDonald announced details for Ohio Vax-a-Million, a series of five weekly statewide drawings to increase awareness of the availability and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and provide incentives to Ohioans to get a COVID-19 vaccination.

Ohioans 18 and older who have received a received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine can enter to win one of five $1 million prizes. Ohioans ages 12-17 who have received a received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine can enter to win one of five four-year, full-ride scholarships, including room and board, tuition, and books, to any Ohio state college or university.

Beginning Tuesday, May 18, Ohioans who would like to enter the drawings must opt-in by visiting ohiovaxamillion.com or by calling the Ohio Department of Health Call Center at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634) between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. Once an Ohioan enters, their entry will be carried over through all the drawings; it is not necessary to enter each week. The entry list will be reviewed, and duplicate entries will be removed prior to each week’s drawing. A winner must meet all of the following eligibility requirements:

  • Must be a living citizen of the United States and a permanent resident of the State of Ohio.
  • Must be at least 12 years of age.
  • Must not be incarcerated (in prison or jail) for a felony conviction under the laws of this state, another state, or the United States.
  • Must not be an employee or Officer of the Ohio Lottery Commission, the Ohio Department of Health or the Ohio Governor's Office, or any blood relative or spouse of such an employee or officer living as a member of the employee's or officer's household.
  • Must have received at least the first COVID-19 vaccination if receiving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or one dose if receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, prior to the drawing date. 

Vaccination records will be verified for winners. Winners will be announced each Wednesday, starting May 26, at approximately 7:29 p.m., for five weeks. To be eligible to be announced as a winner on a given Wednesday, an Ohio resident must enter by the end of day the Sunday immediately prior. Official rules, frequently asked questions, and a list of entry end dates, drawing dates, announcement dates, and a list of TV stations that will air the announcement, is available at ohiovaxamillion.com. The final announcement will take place on Wednesday, June 23.

The Ohio Department of Health is using federally funded Coronavirus Relief Funds to fund this innovative, public outreach campaign and initiative. The Ohio Department of Health is using a portion of its Coronavirus Relief Funds to fund this innovative public outreach campaign and initiative. The U.S. Treasury, under the direction of Presidents Trump and Biden, have authorized funds for broad COVID-19 response purposes. Ohio is using a portion of its unspent funds to share information about the availability and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, and to encourage additional Ohioans to become vaccinated to stop the disease and boost our public health and continued economic recovery.

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines at coronavirus.ohio.gov/vaccine, or find an appointment near you at gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov. Walk-in appointments are available at many providers statewide. To speak with a representative to answer questions or book an appointment by phone, call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634).


For information about COVID-19:

Contact:  ODH Office of Communications (614) 644-8562

Danielle Frizzi-Babb, Ohio Lottery (216) 774-5746


County Celebrates Economic Development Week May 9-15

Dan Evers and Jennifer Ekey of the Clinton County Port Authority were recognized by the Clinton County Commissioners as part of Economic  Development Week, May 9-15. This week was created by the International Economic Development Council to increase awareness of local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities, and improve communities' quality of life. 

The Clinton County Port Authority is the county's primary point of coordination and contact for economic development. They partner with several organizations in the county including the Board of Commissioners, the City of Wilmington, the Clinton County Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Regional Planning Commission, the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce, the Community Improvement Corporation of Wilmington, Main Street Wilmington, and the Ohio SBDC at Miami Regionals. 

The Port Authority team shared updates with the Board of Commissioners including the new Port Authority Economic Development website at ChooseClintonCountyOH.org, a county-wide housing study, a virtual job fair in conjunction with Jobs Ohio, and a social media campaign targeting awareness of the area's economic development activities. 

Port Authority Celebrates Economic Development Week

The Clinton County Port Authority is marking National Economic Development Week from May 9-15, 2021, to celebrate the contributions of positive economic development and discuss the role of the profession in the local community.

 “Economic Development is about creating jobs, advancing career development opportunities, and improving the quality of life for a community,” said Jennifer Klus Ekey, Economic Development Director with the Clinton County Port Authority. “This week is a great opportunity for us to highlight that work locally, in the context of a national campaign.”

 Now in its sixth year, National Economic Development Week was created by the International Economic Development Council - the largest professional membership organization for economic developers - in 2016. The purpose is to recognize the unique role that economic development has in creating vibrant communities with strong economies. In recognition of the week, the Port Authority will be using its LinkedIn page (linkedin.com/company/clinton-county-port-authority), Twitter feed (https://twitter.com/CountyPort), and website (ChooseClintonCountyOH.org) to highlight successful, collaborative economic development efforts by all of its economic development partners: the City of Wilmington, the Clinton County Board of Commissioners, the Clinton County Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Clinton County Regional Planning Commission, the Community Improvement Corporation of Wilmington, Main Street Wilmington, the Ohio SBDC at Miami Regionals, and the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce.

 “We are thankful for the support of each and every organization in the community that plays a role in the community’s economic development efforts,” said Daniel G. Evers, Executive Director of the Clinton County Port Authority. “Economic development is a team effort, and it takes everyone truly committed and working together toward a shared vision to be successful.”

 In addition to the social media campaign the week of May 9, the Port Authority’s Economic Development Week activities include: formal recognition by Wilmington City Council, the Clinton County Board of Commissioners, and Representative Steve Stivers at a variety of public meetings beginning on Thursday, May 6; a presentation, as part of a panel discussion, at the Economic Network Alliance on May 6 (a recording of which is available at http://bit.ly/May21ENArecording); and hosting a webinar on “Exporting Fundamentals and Introduction to the Ohio Export Assistance Network” with the Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio SBDC at Miami Regionals on May 11 (registration available at https://bit.ly/OHExport101).

 About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was recently named the Best Airport in Ohio. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020.  Learn more at www.ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

 About the International Economic Development Council

The International Economic Development Council is the leading international association for professional economic developers. IEDC supports the work of more than 5,000 economic developers to create high-quality jobs, develop vibrant communities, and improve the quality of life in their regions. Members are employed in a wide variety of settings including local, state, provincial, and federal governments, public-private partnerships, universities, and a variety of other institutions. Learn more at www.iedconline.org.

PDF Version

OH ZONE Virtual Career Fair - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, May 6

JobsOhio is excited to partner with Clinton, Fayette, Highland and Adams Counties to connect job-seekers with businesses that have open positions. Registration will open April 26, 2021. Click HERE for the full flyer and registration information.

Port Authority Approves Grant Application, Insurance Renewal

(Wilmington, Ohio) At its April meeting, the Clinton County Port Authority Board discussed the continuing need to address infrastructure at the Wilmington Air Park. To that end, it reviewed and approved an application to the Ohio Department of Transportation, Office of Aviation for projects estimated to total nearly $900,000.

 “We have been very fortunate to receive grant funds from ODOT Aviation for several projects at the Wilmington Air Park,” said Clinton County Port Authority Executive Director Daniel Evers. “This annual competitive grant program application is a collaborative effort of the Port Authority staff, LGSTX Services staff and Michael Baker International staff. The CCPA, over the past five years, has secured over $750,000 in grant funds through this particular program.”

 More specifically, the projects proposed for the FY 2022 grant cycle would address milling and replacing asphalt in the overrun area of Runway 22R, concrete panel repair and replacement on Taxiways C and D, and earthwork around the navigational aids to preserve their life at the airport.

 “These funds, if awarded, would be available in 2022, and would require, as our application is proposed, a match of 21 percent from the Port Authority for each project,” added Evers.  “Nearly all the airports in Ohio are eligible to apply for these funds, so the competition is significant.”

 The Port Authority Board also reviewed and approved a proposal from CORSA (County Risk Sharing Authority) to provide property and liability insurance to the Port Authority for the coming year. In sharing information with the Board, Mr. Evers said that this is the second year of a three-year agreement to work with CORSA for this insurance.

 At its annual meeting, CORSA indicated that members might see a 1.45 percent increase for this insurance year. At $1,710 more than last year, the increase for the Port Authority is just under .9 percent. Bickel Insurance is the local provider for the CORSA insurance outlet to the Port Authority.

 “CORSA shops in the reinsurance market annually to ensure that we are receiving appropriate coverage,” said Evers. “Additionally, CORSA offers options for staff to impact its costs by offering workshops and webinars – which we continue to attend, to learn about best practices and contain costs.”

 Before starting with staff reports, Mr. Evers expressed his appreciation to the LGSTX Services staff for a recent sewer line repair. “It was a focus around the clock for three days, and their response was borderline miraculous.”

 The repair involved deploying equipment and personnel to mitigate a sewer line break that occurred over a recent weekend. LGSTX team members began, at the first of the week, to locate the source of the break, excavate through 18-inch-plus concrete to access it, repair the break, and repair the concrete, all without negatively impacting tenant operations, in less than one day.

 In other business, the Board members discussed the options and process to move toward in-person meetings later in the year. All agreed that it would be a process to explore, understanding it would evolve over the next few months as more guidance is shared by the State.

 The Board was introduced to Mr. James Buckner, the new representative to Clinton County from the Ohio Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Miami Regionals who is hosted at the Port Authority offices. He replaces Ms. Sangmi Kim, who was the representative for the past eight months. He, in conjunction with Port Authority staff, and the Wilmington Clinton County Chamber of Commerce will present two webinars in late April and mid-May. Ms. Jennifer Klus Ekey, CCPA Economic Development Director, reported that the SBDC has continued to engage local businesses and has connected several businesses with each other, to the companies’ mutual benefit.

 Staff reports focused on website updates, responses submitted for potential new development projects through JobsOhio and independently-sourced leads, participation in the next wave of JobsOhio’s Site Authentication program, workforce development activity – including two upcoming virtual career fairs - partner meetings, Air Park tenant activity, professional development, and hosting recent visitors to the Air Park, among other things.

The Clinton County Port Authority Board meets monthly, on the second Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. Zoom webinar registration links are available on the Port Authority page of the County web site (https://co.clinton.oh.us/departments/PortAuthority) in advance of each meeting.


About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was recently named the Best Airport in Ohio. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces  in 2020.  Learn more at https://co.clinton.oh.us/departments/PortAuthority.


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26 MAR 2021

From Air Cargo News:

US airports with a cargo focus last year saw their freight volumes grow rapidly as consumers switched to e-commerce, according to new research by Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development.

The report, written by Joseph Schwieterman and Euan Hague, found that freight volumes at cargo-focussed airports last year increased by an average of 31.4% compared with 2019.


The report also found that half of the largest ten cargo-focused hubs airports grew by 25% or more between 2019 and 2020. Chicago Rockford, which handled the greatest tonnage, grew 18.5% and the Wilmington Air Park had the greatest growth (289%) in percentage terms as Amazon ramped up its presence.


Read the full article here.


Recognizes Fifth Annual #SBDC Day

WILMINGTON, OHIO - For over 40 years the America’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network has helped millions of men, women, veteran, and minority entrepreneurs and other small business owners start and grow their businesses. Totaling nearly 1,000 locations across the country, SBDCs are in every community providing local businesses and entrepreneurs with the resources needed to succeed. The Clinton County Port Authority is pleased to welcome James Buckner, a new Business Advisor with the Miami University SBDC (MUSBDC), to the Port Authority team.

The timing of Buckner’s arrival coincides with the fifth annual SBDC Day on March 17. “As a supporter of the SBDC program, we are proud to support SBDC Day,” said Jennifer Klus Ekey, Economic Development Director for Clinton County. “The day is a national effort to help share the small business success stories and notable impact SBDCs have fostered in communities nationwide, and right here in our community.”

Buckner comes to Clinton County from Clermont County, where he delivered business coaching and advising services to SBDC clients to create and retain jobs and gain access to capital. As a part of the MUSBDC team, he said, “I am looking forward to supporting Clinton County and being an asset for the successful implementation and achievement of the Clinton County Port Authority’s purpose and mission.”

Since June 2020, the Port Authority has partnered with the MUSBDC to support small business owners at all phases of operation in the community. “Clients have noted that opening a business requires a lot of motivation and it is easy to get sidetracked with life’s obstacles,” said Klus Ekey. “The advisors at SBDC are there to help keep new business owners on schedule and focused on the tasks at hand.”

In the past six months, Sangmi Kim, the previous MUSBDC Business Advisor working with the Port Authority, secured $1,480,000 in commercial loans, working with over a dozen businesses. With $463,000 worth of commercial loan applications pending, Buckner will continue working with the businesses that Kim began advising, several of whom hold multiple LLCs who are also SBDC clients.

To learn more about SBDC Day, follow the hashtag #SBDCDay or visit AmericasSBDC.org/SBDCDay. Small businesses looking for assistance can contact James Buckner at bucknejd@miamioh.edu or (513) 576-5007.

About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, and was named the Best Airport in Ohio in 2020. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020.  Learn more at ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

About Ohio Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Miami Regionals

The Small Business Development Center Program of Ohio is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The SBDC program is also funded in part by the Ohio Development Services Agency. Learn more at https://www.miamioh.edu/regionals/sbdc.

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Port Authority Launches New Economic Development Website

WILMINGTON, OH -- The Clinton County Port Authority (CCPA) recently launched a new website, created by Golden Shovel Agency, to further strengthen its online presence and the economic growth of the community. The new site includes county-wide data, information specifically collected for site selectors, and local business resources to serve as a one-stop-shop for companies considering new investment or expansion in Clinton County.

“We intended for this site to showcase opportunities throughout the county, along with resources for our business community,” said Jennifer Klus Ekey, Economic Development Director at the Clinton County Port Authority. “The organization is pleased to roll out a new economic development website that houses business information and data about Clinton County, along with available sites and buildings.”

Historically, Clinton County did not have a website dedicated to economic development opportunities. The CCPA pursued a resource that would capitalize on the many assets of the community, by sharing information with businesses looking to grow or relocate. This new website is a key component of the Port Authority’s marketing efforts and will help it achieve goals related to facilitating site selection and informing current residents and businesses.

The Clinton County Port Authority collaborated with Golden Shovel Agency for its website design project. The national economic development communications firm is recognized for its award-winning design and expertise in business and workforce attraction. “Working with Golden Shovel has been great. The process is well managed and organized; we really liked all the features that we could incorporate into the website and think it gives us maximum flexibility as an organization,” Klus Ekey said.

“Working with the Clinton County Port Authority team has been a treat for us. We look forward to seeing all the great things they will accomplish with the help of this new resource,” said Aaron Brossoit, CEO of Golden Shovel Agency.

The new website can be found at https://www.chooseclintoncountyoh.org

About the Clinton County Port Authority
The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, and was named the Best Airport in Ohio in 2020. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020.  Learn more at ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

About Golden Shovel Agency

Golden Shovel Agency is a full-service economic development marketing agency. Whether the goal is to attract and support great businesses or great talent, we are your specialists in the industry. We’ve helped hundreds of communities across North America to shape and tell their stories in order to strengthen the vitality of their regional economies. Learn more at https://www.goldenshovelagency.com


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Port Authority Shares Open Enrollment for Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program


Wilmington, OH - The Clinton County Port Authority, through its partnership with the Ohio SBDC, announces that Sinclair Community College will be providing virtual access to the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses (10KSB) program in May of 2021. Applications for the 2021 cohort are available at 10KSBapply.com.

“The 10KSB program is dedicated to small businesses,” said Jennifer Klus Ekey, economic development director for the Clinton County Port Authority, “and is an especially valuable opportunity for the small business community during this time.”

10,000 Small Businesses has helped strengthen over 9,700 small businesses in all 50 states since its inception in 2009. The program provides business education, wrap-around support services, and pathways to capital for growth-oriented entrepreneurs. The program is offered at no cost to the business owner – every business owner selected to participate receives a full scholarship, funded by the Goldman Sachs Foundation.

“Participants will gain practical skills to take their business to the next level,” explained Ekey. “This initiative provides tangible education and mentoring on a variety of topics, such as reading and developing financial statements, negotiations, and marketing.”

With one-on-one business advising, participants develop an actionable and specific 5-year growth plan for the business with the help of business advisors and like-minded entrepreneurs. Within 6 months of graduating, 67% of the program alumni reported increased revenues, and 47 percent added new jobs.

10,000 Small Businesses looks for applicants who are passionate about growing their business and creating jobs in their communities. Applicants must be the owner or co-owner of a business which: has been in operation for at least two years; brought in at least $75,000 in revenues from the most recent fiscal year; has at least two employees (including the owner).


The application deadline is February 1, 2021. Visit 10KSBapply.com to learn more about the program and to apply. Questions should be directed to 10KSB@sinclair.edu.

About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces in 2020.  Learn more at ChooseClintonCountyOH.org.

About Ohio Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Miami Regionals

Small Business Development Center Program of Ohio is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. The SBDC program is also funded in part by the Ohio Development Services Agency. Learn more at https://www.miamioh.edu/regionals/sbdc.

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Port Authority Board Prepares for 2021

December 28, 2020


Service Agreements, Finances, and Staff Updates on the Agenda

(Wilmington, Ohio) At its December meeting, the Clinton County Port Authority Board approved agreements with three vendors to provide services for 2021.

DigiCom Systems, LLC, provides and maintains the access control and surveillance systems for the Wilmington Air Park. The annual agreement covers software upgrades, hardware maintenance and replacement, as well as technical support.

“These systems are essentially ‘ground zero’ for the security systems throughout the Air Park,” said Dan Evers, Executive Director for the Clinton County Port Authority.

Agreements with Jones Lang LaSalle Americas, Inc., (JLL), and Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease, LLP, also were approved by the Board. The agreement with JLL is for representing the Clinton County Port Authority in real estate transactions at, and marketing of, the Wilmington Air Park. The Board engaged Vorys to provide legal counsel the Port Authority. Both firms have been with the Port Authority for several years.

“We believe we derive significant benefit from the JLL engagement,” said Evers. “In 2020, leases for approximately 376,000 square feet of space, as well as three ramp space agreements, were successfully negotiated.”

Beyond that, he noted that the Port Authority  receives substantial market intelligence from JLL, as well as collaboration in the development of marketing strategies that extend beyond just listing the real estate. Many of the additional services received are at no cost to the Port Authority.

 The Vorys firm has represented the Port Authority since its inception and continues to provide counsel on a breadth and depth of topics.

Staff reports focused on the collection and review of Clinton County Community CARES Grant applications. Ms. Jennifer Klus Ekey, Economic Development Director, indicated that over 100 unique inquiries were fielded with regard to the grant program. “We received 26 applications for the $250,000 available in the program,” she said. “An additional three calls have come in since the program deadline, and we are discussing the Emergency Loan Fund with those businesses.” She said recommendations for grant awards would be presented to the Board of County Commissioners, with awards to follow after that.

Port Authority staff also reported that work continues on a new economic development web site, which was shared in its current stage of development. Representatives from the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio visited the Wilmington Air Park during the last weeks, and several virtual and in-person meetings were attended by CCPA staff.

In other business, the Port Authority Board approved payment of bills, amended the 2020 budget for the end of the year, and made appropriations for 2021.  It also adopted its 2021 meeting schedule, choosing to keep its meeting on the second Thursday of each month, at 9 a.m.  For the foreseeable future, these meetings will remain virtual. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 14, 2021.

About the Clinton County Port Authority

The Clinton County Port Authority is a special purpose government formed to operate transportation infrastructure and lead economic development efforts. Designated by the County, City and the CIC as the lead Economic Development agency for the County, it coordinates with the Dayton Development Coalition and JobsOhio to attract jobs to the area.  It owns and operates the Wilmington Air Park, an integrated aviation and logistics business park located on 1,900 acres with nearly three million square feet of industrial, office and hangar space, which was recently named the Best Airport in Ohio. The Port Authority was recognized as one of Ohio’s Best Workplaces earlier this year.  Learn more at https://co.clinton.oh.us/departments/PortAuthority.


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Nonprofit Grant Applications Available

As a part of the $419.5 million in CARES Act funding announced in late October, the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services (ODJFS) has published information on the discretionary grants for nonprofit agencies. (more)

Several Assistance Programs Available to Small Businesses

(Wilmington, Ohio) The Clinton County Port Authority received information on new State-sponsored COVID-19 relief grant programs over the weekend. Combined with several local opportunities, area small businesses have several options for assistance. (more)

Wilmington Air Park Highest Volume Cargo Airport in Ohio

(Wilmington, Ohio) The Wilmington Air Park was ranked the highest volume airport in Ohio for cargo shipped for 12 consecutive months ended July 2020. That volume also makes it the 33rd busiest airport in the United States based on pounds of freight transiting the airport.  (more)

Wilmington Air Park Named Best Airport in Ohio

The Wilmington Air Park was recently named the Best Airport in Ohio by Ohio Business Magazine, in its “Best in Ohio Business” Awards. (more)

County Emergency Loan Fund Initiated

(Wilmington, Ohio) The Clinton County Port Authority has launched an Emergency Loan Fund (ELF), to provide short- to mid-term loans to local businesses impacted by the pandemic. “Locally, our small businesses have worked diligently to react to the new business climate,” said Dan Evers, Clinton County Port Authority Executive Director. “This opportunity is designed to target small businesses in need of immediate funds to sustain and/or fund costs associated with re-opening or remaining open.” (more)

Port Authority Receives Duke Energy Grant

The Clinton County Port Authority was invited to apply for a Duke Energy Local Community Impact Grant earlier in the year, and recently received notification that it was successful in obtaining the $2,500 grant.  (more)

Port Authority a "Best Workplace"

Ohio Business Magazine Recognizes Outstanding Workplaces

Annually, Ohio Business Magazine sends out the call to organizations throughout the state of Ohio, looking for the Best Workplaces.  In its fifth year of recognizing for-profit, nonprofit and government institutions, the publication selected the Clinton County Port Authority to be among the 22 entities, with fewer than 50 employees as a “Best Workplace in Ohio.”

“We were honored to be included in this recognition, and believe it speaks volumes about our Board and our community,” said Clinton County Port Authority Executive Director Dan Evers.

Nominations were submitted in March, collecting information such as employee engagement, benefits and awards and recognitions. According to the magazine, a committee then selected winners.

Jennifer Ekey, Economic Development Director for the Port Authority, was the contact for the award. “It topped off a big week for us,” she explained, “as we received word that we were being recognized around the same time of the 10th anniversary of Port Authority taking ownership of the Wilmington Air Park.”

Because work situations changed so much in the time between call for nominations and the announcement, Ohio Business Magazine representatives reached out to award winners. They noted in their article: “We checked in with all businesses to see what they were doing to remain a Best Workplace.”

In all, 72 Ohio businesses were included in the rankings in three categories: Companies with fewer than 50 employees; Companies with 50 to 200 employees and Companies with more than 200 employees.   The Clinton County Port Authority was the only government entity recognized in its category. The statewide winners included three Dayton-area businesses and several others in Greater Cincinnati.

The Summer edition of the magazine is being distributed now, and highlights many of the companies and institutions recognized as Best Workplaces. “The recognition is very nice, as it allows us to, in turn, recognize those in our organization and community that have enabled the Port Authority to grow and evolve in a positive fashion,” said Evers. “Additionally, being asked to reflect on the work environment we enjoy every day and the things we have accomplished, helps put into perspective the day-to-day work that helps form the big picture.”

Port Authority Delivers Small Business Tool Kits

(Wilmington, Ohio) Partnering with JobsOhio and the Dayton Development Coalition (DDC), the Clinton County Port Authority received 125 Small Business Safety Toolkits to distribute throughout the community.  (more)

General Information
Economic Development Director
Jennifer Klus Ekey
Port Authority Executive Director
Dan Evers
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
Wilmington Air Park
1113 Airport Road