The "You-Turn" Recovery Docket is a specialized docket within the framework of the Clinton County Court of Common Pleas which serves a target population of those addicted to alcohol and other drugs.
The docket provides defendants with an opportunity to avoid incarceration and address their substance dependency issues with support from the judge, probation officers, substance abuse counselors and other members of a specialized docket treatment team.
The docket is highly-structured, requires responsibility and demands accountability from participants in order to avoid incarceration or other sanctions.
Participants follow specific rules established by the court in an effort to achieve recovery from addiction.
Clinton/Warren Crisis Hotline
Anonymous Drug Activity Tips
"Sobriety is never owned. It is rented and rent is due every single day."
--participant in an open court status review hearing, Dec. 2, 2016.
Brenda Harris Intensive Supervision Officer You-Turn Recovery Docket Treatment Coordinator Clinton County Court of Common Pleas Department of Supervision Phone: (937) 382-8686 Ext. 1139 Fax: (937) 383-1806 email: |